I was recently home for Fall Break and I stumbled upon my 5th grade poetry journal.
I like to look at the cute pig
even though he's very big
I have a pet that's a dog
one day she ate a frog
I know a girl her name is Sally
but she moved and I met a girl names Ally
I saw a really pretty rug
but when I looked closely I saw a little bug
Animal Stable
One time I visited a stable
I met a pig
her name was Mable

She was very big
She loved to roll in the mud
Then she wasn't very pink
There was another pig who was her bud
When I looked at her she gave me a wink
I moved on and saw a cow
His fence was made of wood
I got a splinter and said "OW!"
It started to rain so I put up my hood
Next I looked at a hen
They were playing with a rooster
They are men
He tried to reach a high spot but needed a booster
Into the house walked Sally
We were playing a game and the score we had to tally
We were running races and we had to go far
Until someone ran into a car
Into the house came Sarah
For dinner she was having cheese sticks in marinara
The sauce was very red
and after dinner she went to bed
One day the sun was very bright
I said to myself I think I might
Go outside and play
since it is such a nice day
When I got out I flew my kite
Free Verse:
On Saturday morning
I like to sleep late
then I eat a big breakfast
I like homemade waffles best
Muffins are good too
I watch TV
Then I go get dressed
I look to see who is outside
Then I go out
and play too!
Why Do Dogs Bark?
Why do dogs bark
at cars passing
at people walking
at anything that moves?
They open their mouths
and just let it out
Sometimes dogs
bark at burgalurs
and that is very helpful.
Why do dogs bark?
As a little baby my mom carried me everywhere
she probably even carried me to the mall
because one day trying to walk
I ran right into the wall.
When I was five we moved
to a place called Chesapeake
soon after we moved we got a pool
but then it got a leak
Now I live in Richmond
it's an Ok place to be
that is the story of my life,
that is the story of me.
My name is Caroline I am a girl
my hair is straight it does not swirl.
I wear my hair in a pony tail
And to my friends I sent email
Some say I act like a clown
My eyes are a very dark brown
I like to be out in the sun
I play all day and have some fun
My favorite number is always three
My friend taught me to climb a tree
Some people think I am a fool,
But I think I am kinda cool.
Lai Verse:
Who is that I hear?
I don't think you're near
To here.
Lying in the dark
I hear a dog bark
It's you
You're my faithful pal
I will call you Tal
Come here.
in mud
live on farms
they eat gross slop
it is green
you walk on it
they fly
in the sky
skinny bird feet
I think there are a few observations to be made about my 5th grade poetry. 1- I am not an artist, but I did think that I was good at drawing dogs (I was wrong). 2- The only words I could really rhyme with are pig, big, bark, dark, fun, and sun. 3- I wrote about dogs a lot. 4- My obsession with pigs was evident in my poetry. Also, I think you should know that I got an A on my poetry journal! This leads me to believe that elementary schools should have higher standards.
PS I don't know why those pictures are sideways and I don't know how to fix them. sorry!